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4 Tips For Making Successful Outbound Sales Calls

Most small business owners skip making outbound sales calls or cold calls because it can be scary.

Imagine talking to a total strategy who has not shown any interest in your product or service about your offering.

Additionally, when you consider the low level of trust people have for unsolicited calls from strangers, you understand how difficult it is.

But your business must include outbound sales in your strategy because it yields faster returns on your investment.

Plus, you cannot always rely on your target customers to initiate the sale – you have to be the one to do that.

To help you increase your chances of success making outbound sales calls, we have highlighted four (4) outbound sales call tips:

1. Do Your Research

If you want to make successful outbound sales calls, you cannot do enough research on your prospects.

This is one of the most important things you must do before you pick up the phone. Learn as much about your customers as you can.

Doing in-depth research also helps you build better call lists, because the more you do about them, the more you can determine if they are the right fit for your product or service.

2. Be Prepared For Common Objections

Whether you like it or not, there will be objections, and the best thing you can do is be ready for them.

Before contacting the prospect, make a list of common objections that you have heard from them and draft a response to each objection.

To take it a step higher, you can incorporate those objections and responses into your pitch, so you can quell it before it rises.

Learn More: Here Is What Your Business Has Been Missing – A Sales Strategy

3. Let Your Prospect Speak & Listen

You don’t want to simply pick up the phone and start pitching how wonderful your product or service is right away.

You want to get your prospect talking and engaged in the conversation.

Ask them open-ended questions, and listen to them talk.

Don’t try to complete their sentences or interrupt them, actively listen to their challenges and how it affects their business – it is important to a successful outbound sales call.

A good sales call is at least 60% of you listening and 40% or less talking. It’s not about you or your product – it is about the prospect. Let them talk.

4. Position yourself for success

When you make an outbound sales call, it is impossible for the prospect to see what you’re doing – whether slouching on a chair or frowning.

But doing these can impact the quality of your call.

When you make a sales call, it is essential that you sound natural – not too fast or too slow, and never robotic.

It is also essential that you either sit upright or stand up when making an outbound sales call. A good smile goes a long way too.

Doing all of these makes you sound friendly and warm, they help you feel energized and so, sound confident when you speak and make it easier for the prospect to feel like they can trust you even when they have never seen you.

And lastly, you must always close your call with a clear call to action. Like scheduling a follow-up call or asking them to fill out a form or whatever action that nudges them along your sales funnel.

Do you have any outbound sales call tips that we might have missed? Please share below.

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